Friday, January 24, 2020

For Tuesday: Stanton, Humans of New York

Sorry--this didn't post and I just noticed! Here's Tuesday's post...

Look over the photos once more and try to find new ones and/or ones you skimmed over last time. Here are a few more questions to get you thinking about new ideas with the images:

Q1: Find one picture that you feel represents who you are right now. It doesn't have to look like you or even be the same sex/age as you, but how do they somehow embody your own identity at this moment in time? It could be their style, clothing, attitude, or what they're communicating in the caption.

Q2: Find one picture that you feel represents who you most hope to be 5-10 years from now. Again, it can be a different age/sex than you, but what about them seems to represent an identity you hope to attain or realize in the future. Why is this? How might this person underline the connotation of "success" or "happiness" or even "being an adult" for you? 

Q3: Based on many of these images, what do you think is one of the greatest fears of the modern age? What do most of these people seem to be 'running from' or 'hiding from'? How can we tell? Do the pictures/captions give us any clue as to how they're dealing with this universal fear?

Q4: These are pictures of people from every class, race, and walk of life. They're not definitive by any means, but they do give a nice cross-section of the "humans" in our world. Accordingly, what do you think most divides people from one another in these photos? Where do we see the 'walls' or 'divisions' that separate people from one another? If we're all human deep down, what divides us on the surface? 

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