Tuesday, January 21, 2020

For Tuesday: Stanton, Humans of New York

For Tuesday's class, I want you to start "reading" Humans of New York. However, since it's not a traditional book, you don't have to read a set number of pages. Instead, I want you to look at specific images, as well as flip around to see what grabs you (for now). 

ALSO, I want you to answer TWO of the following questions and bring them to class. This will be your final daily response assignment (see syllabus for details).

Q1: Flip around in the book a little: which picture immediately grabs you? Why? Is it because of the person's style? Their expression? The way the photograph is taken? Or the words that accompany the image?

Q2: What seems to most interest Stanton as a photographer or as a human being? What kinds of people is he most drawn to, or what aspect of people does he like to focus on? Give an example from the book.

Q3: If you didn't know anything about New York, what impression might you walk away with after reading many of these pictures and captions? What might Stanton want you to think about the "humans" of New York?

Q4: Many of the pictures have captions that the subjects revealed to him as he took the photograph. Which caption most changes the picture for you? How did it help you see a different person than you initially saw? 

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