Tuesday, January 21, 2020

For Thursday: Stanton, Humans of New York

NOTE: Keep reading the book, discover new pictures you haven't seen, and answer TWO of the following questions for Thursday's class (please bring them to class with you). ALSO, see the post below this one for the Short Paper #1 assignment. 

Q1: In class we discussed some of the themes of the book, which include success (or making it), failure (or not making it), creating public art, spontaneous vs. staged moments, and the diversity of "humans". Identify another prominent theme that seems to connect some of the images, and discuss one image that supports this.

Q2: Many of the pictures have captions which add depth and characterization to the humans in the photo. Some, however, only have the photo to go by. Add a significant caption to one of these images and explain why you think this is story that exists just behind the image. 

Q3: Which image (or story) do you feel is most inspiring in this collection so far? Do you think the person in the photo knows they're inspiring, or does Stanton simply find them inspiring? In other words, is the subject trying to teach us a life lesson, or is Stanton using their image/words to teach us a life lesson?

Q4: For many people, New York City is a symbol for everything that's wrong with the world: overcrowding, hustle and bustle, greed, wealth, poverty, etc. What do you think Stanton's overall opinion or philosophy on NYC is? How does he use the book, and his photos, to illustrate what NYC means to him?

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