Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The Last Response--for Part 4 of In Cold Blood

No more questions!! But I do have a short response for Part 4 that you can post here as a comment, just as a way to round out our discussion, and to look ahead at the Final paper assignment (see assignment in post below this one). Remember, if you haven't e-mailed me your 3 connections between the books (which is Short Paper #3--really a list more than a paper) then please do so as soon as possible. Doing this will help you on the final paper, and it will also allow me to offer you some personal guidance before you start. Most people seem to have a good idea of where they want to go, but if you feel lost, never fear--I can help you!

After you read Part 4, "The Corner," or are still reading it, answer the following question as a 'Comment' (or you can e-mail it to me): 

Q: The Reverend Post, who attended the trial, said to the author that "Doc Savage [a kind of Superman figure from old books/comics] had the right idea...he had an army of trained assistants [who] kidnapped all the world's criminals and brought them to [his] island. And Doc Savage operated on their brains. He removed the part that holds wicked thoughts. And when they recovered they were all decent citizens. They couldn't commit crimes because that part of their brains was out" (306).

Do you think if this was possible (to find the 'criminal' part of the brain), we should force everyone to undergo this operation? Would we remove the possibility of evil or criminal behavior in everyone, or even just people who commit violent crimes? Should people be lobotomized for the general good?  Would it be worth risking making such people vegetables rather than leaving them to hurt or kill again--or even to spend their lives in prison? 

1 comment:

  1. If it was possible for this to happen, I would be against it totally. I just see it as inhumane to change a person personality and thoughts, even the evil parts. I mean who determines what is considered bad and evil, maybe this could be used for evil as well.
