Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Welcome (Almost) Back!

First of all, I'm extremely sad that we can't continue our normal classes this semester. I had so much more I wanted to discuss with you and teach you--though, I think we can still salvage some of this virtually. However, it just won't be the same, and my only hope is that I'll see some of you again in the Fall in a future class. 

For now, here's what I propose to do with this course:

1. We're going to stick closely to our old TR schedule, so I'll post the first work this Thursday, and that will be due on Tuesday. And then the work for Thursday on Tuesday, etc. Same as always. 

2. I'll also post at least one short video lecture on the blog per week. These replicate the kind of information I would have given you in class, and will basically be a video of my head narrating over a Power Point or a handout. They will be short (10-15 minutes max), but will help you see things in the readings you might not otherwise get, or will help introduce key writing topics and ideas before a paper. I'll also give you a few in-class writing prompts this way, just as we did in class. This way, it will feel sort-of normal.

3. I'll also be posting our next short paper assignment on the blog very soon. 

4. All questions and papers should be e-mailed to me at jgrasso@ecok.edu or jgrasso91@gmail.com (either one is fine with me). Horace Mann is being locked at all times, so you probably won't be able to get inside the building. 

5. If you need to talk to me, feel free to e-mail me at any time. However, if you would rather talk in person, I can do a Zoom conference with you. If you've never used Zoom, it's free to install and very easy to use. 

Otherwise, stay tuned and PLEASE keep checking the blog, since this is our lifeline for the course. Everything will show up here in the next few weeks. Take care and I'll talk to you soon!

--Joshua Grasso

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